A new es2017
, latest
preset, and lots of fixes in this release.
Babel Doctor
Babel Doctor is
heavily inspiredripped from the awesome Yeoman Doctor by Sindre Sorhus.
babel-doctor has been removed as of v6.18.0 of
. If anyone needs it we will bring it back as a standalone npm module calledbabel-doctor
Setting up Babel 6
Babel 6 is fresh off the press and we’re still getting a lot sorted out. In the past two days we've seen more activity on GitHub and Slack than ever before. Everyone who has been helping out has been doing a great job.
However, the documentation is still lacking at this point, I’m currently going through and creating an entirely new “Getting Started” section of the site.
6.0.0 Released
NOTE: Not all integrations have been updated yet. This is a very disruptive major so please bear with us as we smooth out the edges.
It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since the Babel project started, but there was a birthday cake, so it must be real!
React on ES6+
While redesigning Instagram Web from the inside out this year, we enjoyed using a number of ES6+ features to write our React components. Allow me to highlight some of the ways that these new language features can change the way you write a React app, making it easier and more fun than ever.
Function Bind Syntax
Babel 5.4 was just released and with it comes support for a new experimental ES7 syntax proposed by Kevin Smith (@zenparsing) and implemented in Babel by Ingvar Stepanyan (@RReverser).
5.0.0 Released
In the past few months Babel has been welcomed into several major communities such as Node, React, Ember, Backbone, Angular, Rails, and many others. We launched the Users page only a few weeks ago and it's really cool to see everyone that is using it. Companies like CloudFlare, Netflix, Mozilla, and Yahoo!. Projects like Ghost, Atom, Mapbox, and so many more.
We've seen tons of blog posts, talks, events, courses all about ES6+ using Babel, and official Babel tools have been downloaded nearly 2 million times.
Today we are making by far the largest release of Babel ever.
Babel 喜爱 React
令人惊讶的事情之一就是 Babel 支持开箱即用的 JSX。
我想从 6to5 最新重大事件发生后都开始写博客文章。虽然还没有发生重大事件,不过这几天的时间,6to5 和 6to5-core 已经被下载五十万次,并且在一个月时间内将会超过一百万次。
过去,对于 6to5 在 JavaScript 社区中的所处角色存在一些混淆,这在很大程度上是由于它的名称产生的误解导致。
但是 6to5 并非出生而逐渐走向灭亡。
过去几周,我们看到 6to5 项目有很多动态;每天在世界各个角落都有成千上万的人在下载。在过去一个月中,已经关闭 200 多个 issue。从 2.0 发布以来, 已经有 867 次 commit(提交)、60 个 minor(次要版本) 和 patch(补丁版本) 发布。它的下载量是 npm 下载量最多的 packages 中的前 1%,仅在上个月就有近 100k 的下载量。
今天我们将发布 3.0。